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Check out the Security camera video has captured the moment a paranoid patient burst from his room early on November 2 and attacked a group of nurses at a Minnesota hospital, leaving four seriously injured, including one with a punctured lung.
The attacker, 68-year-old Charles Logan, had been admitted that night with a stomach ailment and had some signs of confusion. Local media report that at around 2 a.m. he suddenly appeared in the nurse’s station wielding a metal bar he’d ripped from his bed, and began wildly swinging at anyone he could see. 

Two cameras captured the violent outburst which moved from the nurse’s station into an adjoining hallway. By the time hospital security had locked the building down, Logan was long gone. 

Responding police caught up with Logan three blocks from tased Logan, but one of the darts failed to connect, forcing them to overpower him. He died suddenly moments after police handcuffed him. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.hottest fashion, photos and TV shows! Exclusive - We here provides you daily news is a national bulletin News that covers happenings in National, regional and International arena. Exclusive - We here provides you daily news is a national bulletin News that  covers happenings in National, regional and International arena.Visit Official site. Includes entertainment news, celebrities, programs, celebrity gossip.
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